





ジャンル:Full HD (フル ハイビジョン) デビュー作 巨乳


「初らぶ 姫野ゆうり」の良くある質問 by Yahoo!知恵袋
Q.お礼100枚。以下の和訳をお願いしますwe would need the order number andthe full name it under for shipping and we would be happyto check the status. Thank you
Q.海外ショップで人形を購入しました。その後,メールが届いたのですが,英語はいまひとつ分からないので,質問します。買ったものは,8インチの人形と本が1つと8インチの人形が1つです。送料が50ドルかかるということでしょうか?安い送料にできないでしょうか?という返信メールを送るための文章もお願いします。Thank you for your order. The cost of sending both the doll and book set and the doll to Japan is $50.00 for insured Priority Mail International and $57.00 by Express Mail International. This is with full insurance and estimating a weight of 5 pounds with the items put in an extra box because the small box does not fit into the larger one and both dolls have to be put in a larger box. The box with the doll and book is heavy and large. The other is small.If the small doll is removed from her box and put in the box with the doll and book, the package would be lighter and could ship in just the Tonner box. It would then be 4 pounds or slightly under. Many collectors would not want this, but someone on a budget would. Then it wold be about $5.00 cheaper to ship. I have put in the $50.00 for Priority Mail International. I also deducted a $5.73 DKK1 3 percent coupon for an order for $75.00, which would help some. Please let me know if the shipping is all right before I do the final charge. Both dolls are set aside for you. Parasol Party has her original box, but not the shipper. She is the last one and was on display at my mall space in the locked case.Thank you very much for your order. My email is dkkdolls@aol.com.
A.送料は保険付き国際速達便で57ドルですが、75ドルのお買い上げということで3%のクーポンを発行するので、送料は50ドルでいいということです。もっと安い送料で送れませんか?は → Could you find cheaper way of shipping than $50?この送料でよいのでお願いします。→ All right, $50 for shipping is Ok. Please proceed to arrange it.以上です。


 full of love
 マジlove1000% full
 be starters full
 full HD
 rookiez is punk'd in my world full
 純潔パラドックス full
 in my world full
 be starters! full
 ロウきゅーぶ OP full
 まよチキ OP full

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